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Serving The Chico, CA, Area

- Professional-Liability, Administrative-Hearings, Personal-Injury, Business-Litigation
- Agricultural-Litigation, Criminal-Defense, Felonies, Misdemeanors
- Drug-Offenses, D.U.I., Juvenile

Where Can You Find A Great Lawyer
in Chico, CA?

Get exceptional criminal defense at our law office

The Law Offices of Washington & Heithecker is a boutique law firm in Chico, CA, dedicated to serving those in need of legal guidance and representation in the courtroom. We’ve been practicing criminal law since 1992, and our firm has been a part of over 100 criminal cases.

When it comes to criminal defense, you want a lawyer who can help you with the next steps. Getting arrested for a crime is a serious issue, but everyone is innocent until proven guilty. With the Law Offices of Washington & Heithecker on your case, you’ll get an experienced and dedicated lawyer who will fight for your rights in the courtroom.

For anything from DUI and marijuana charges to more serious criminal matters, trust The Law Offices of Washington & Heithecker to give your case the attention it deserves. Contact us today to set up your free 30 minute consultation.

Professional Liability Defense

Medical Malpractice Defense
Healthcare Board Matters

Civil Litigation

Professional Liability
Administrative Hearings
Personal Injury
Business Litigation
Agricultural Litigation

Criminal Defense

Drug Offenses

Our firm has litigated serious medical malpractice cases, complex business cases and major personal injury cases over the years. Lawsuits of any kind can be stressful, so our lawyers at The Law Offices of Washington & Heithecker want to provide you with the defense and guidance you need during such an uncomfortable time.

Getting the results you deserve

The Law Offices of Washington & Heithecker is built on three important values: experience, reputation and results. With over two decades of experience in criminal and civil litigation, our firm takes pride in what we can and will deliver to our clients in the Chico, CA, area.

Whether you’re facing a DUI charge or a serious civil lawsuit, we bring quality representation and professionalism to your case.

To schedule your free initial 30-minute consultation, contact us at (530) 345-1647. We make sure to return all phone calls promptly within 24 hours.

We're Here to Help

Call (530) 345-1647
fax (530)342-2242

or email [email protected]
330 W. 5th St., Chico, CA 95928

Firm Members

George E. Washington

Philip H. Heithecker

Peter G. Washington

W & H Disclaimer


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